
Our Goals
Nature Rx @Brown is part of a nationwide initiative amongst colleges to promote spending time in nature. Our goal is to encourage the Brown and Providence communites to spend time in nature, as research has shown that nature is therapeutic and can have a positive impact on a person's well being. Working together with many groups on campus and community partners who have a shared passion for nature, we encourage you to explore the many ways nature can improve your health!
Land Acknowledgement
“Brown University is located in Providence, Rhode Island, on lands that are within the ancestral homelands of the Narragansett Indian Tribe. We acknowledge that beginning with colonization and continuing for centuries the Narragansett Indian Tribe have been dispossessed of most of their ancestral lands in Rhode Island by the actions of individuals and institutions. We acknowledge our responsibility to understand and respond to those actions. The Narragansett Indian Tribe, whose ancestors stewarded these lands with great care, continues as a sovereign nation today. We commit to working together to honor our past and build our future with truth."