
Student Organizations
There are many groups on campus that can help you get your weekly dose of nature!
Medical School Student Organizations
Warren Alpert Medical School Environmental Coalition
Seek to promote awareness toward environmental ​sustainability in healthcare. Suggest and implement sustainable practices among the community to ensure the school protects the national environments and promotes a cleaner future.
Contact info: medstudentaffairs@brown.edu
Brown Agriculture Nutrition and Community Health
Seeks to address disparities in access to green spaces, nutrition, and health and science education. Collaborates with Baldwin and Brown Family Med residents and staff to ensure students learn about the sources of their food, the nutritional value of fresh produce, and the role of green spaces in personal and community health.
Contact info: medstudentaffairs@brown.edu
Looking to take a course that studies nature? Does the idea of an "outdoor classroom" interest you? Brown has many nature based courses available to give you an opportunity to get outside!
EEPS 0240 - Earth: Evolution of a Habitable Planet
EEPS 0070 - Introduction to Oceanography
EEPS 0220 - Earth Processes
EEPS 0010 - Face of the Earth
EEPS 1330 - Global Environmental Remote Sensing
EEPS 1370 - Environmental Geochemistry
EEPS 0830 - Water in Our World
PHYS 0220 - Astronomy
ENVS 1557 - Birding Communities
ENVS 0110 - Humans, Nature, and the Environment: Addressing Environmental Change in the 21st Century
ENVS 0490 - Environmental Science in a Changing World
ENVS 0705 - Equity and the Environment: Movements, Scholarship, Solutions
ENGL 1190 - Nature Writing
MUSC 1921 - Music, Nature, Ecology
PHIL 1785 - Philosophy of the Environment: Environmental Utopias
VISA 0140 - Photography Foundation
Interesting Articles
Read more about greenspace and the health benefits it can have!​
Black outdoor enthusiasts and climate advocates talk inclusivity
Prescribed time in nature linked to improvements in anxiety, depression, and blood pressure
"Canadian doctors are prescribing free passes to national parks to treat patients"
Heinrich Introduces Living Schoolyards Act to Create Unique, Healthy Learning Opportunities
Cities are losing trees — fast. But it's not too late to change that
Touch Grass: BC’S Nature-Prescription Program Operates Across Canada
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